Sunday, 16 April 2017

Easter memories

            Fragments hold us together,
some memories of times past
-         the way we were,
the ways we walked,
the turns our talk took
the thrill we felt
to hear we were called
to follow wherever he’ll lead us.
All this shaped the vision we shared -
still present vividly, though recalled
in handling broken bits of bread
and the cup blessing us with a joy
that gathers us in memory of him.

These fragments bind us together,
re-membering us being rich, but costly
-         for a price must be paid
to triumph over time’s game
that tricks us to think fancifully
the bitter taste of the tomb
can be bypassed by allowing it
to lapse sweetly in silence,
yet this quiet bestirs in us new hope.
This fresh breath frees our hearts
from clutching at dusky shadows
that like cobwebs distract our desire
from looking outwards to peripheries
to which true memory of him points.

His fragments invite us to be at-one,
betokening more than mere relics
-         like those flimsy keepsakes,
treasures some keenly seek
to preserve lest they forget
what is left of his life
in a pile of linen clothes
no longer able to hold him bound.
While he’s now no more, his gift of self
leads even yet further into searching
to explore and penetrate the mystery
of his presence, though beyond sight,
beheld embracing poor humankind.

© Michael L. Gaudoin-Parker,

     Assisi, Easter 2017.

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